Monday, September 26, 2005


I can't help it. There are times when I just compare my blog to someone else's.

On some nights when I let the surfing tides take me to my links (and subsequently to their links), I so rarely but nevertheless get the pangs of jealousy surface. There are bloggers out there who write about travelling the world. And there are those who write their own adventures found in extreme sports, love affairs, intense bashes, celebrated events and out-of-this-world watcha-ma-call-its.

This blogger here writes about her daily musings.

Oh yes, there are others out there like me. And though I may sound like it, no, I am not putting them down. The thing is, I want to have my own adventure too. I would want to write about it too. I may have had my chance on that. Could I have missed it already?

I am 26 years old. If I think about it, I've lived quite an outrageous, fierce, untamed and feral life. I could go on and on telling you about all the stuff I did back then. But that's just it. It is all in the past now. I don't want to have a blog that does nothing but reminisce the good ol' times. Where's the fun in that? I am in the present, and I should be in the NOW.

And if I don't want to?
Tough luck.
Sorry, try again.

Yep, that's what I'm doing now. I am trying - again. Some people live like that. They treat life on a trial and error basis. I know, coz I did that too. And boy, did I err so much! I learned so many stuff the hard way. As mundane as this may sound, "I stumbled and fall, but stood through it all." (sounds like an old familiar lyric, ayt?)
Sometimes it gets so painful thinking of the blunders and gaffes I've done. Oftentimes, I still deny my errors in judgment. But what the heck, I am living this life the best way I know how, and if I maybe die tomorrow, I'd know I would have died trying.

Wait, I'm digressing.
As I was saying, I am occasionally jealous of other people's blogs. When I'm surfing on my favorite reads like tasha / ala / jim / joey /grace I sometimes wonder if they would so much give a glance at what I've been writing in here. I follow and read their stuff like a good friend listens to another. And it kills my week when I don't find anything new on their turf.

You know what's really odd? I was supposed to write something entirely different today. I've been blog-hopping and my envious, covetous blogger-self just re-surfaced. I was basically playing the juicy stuff inside my head all morning and I was bent on writing about it.
Say, did I even come close to doing that? Nah, I didn't think so.
Oh well.

It's perfectly alright dah-lings. After all, I didn't name this site AROUND THE CORNER for nothing. Blog description says, "Stop and Smell the Flowers, You Pass This Way Just Once.."
So go ahead, sniff some more. I've planted everywhere but the flowers only come once in a while. Sign says you come just once, but you may wanna keep coming back. I mean hey, I lurk in your corners almost everyday. I feel like a peeping tom sometimes hopping from one blog to another. No one's stopping you from loitering in my corner.

One of these days, you just might catch and smell something in full bloom. And that's when we're gonna smell the flowers. Together. That'll be the big day. The day I'm gonna write about my adventure. Not about past, old exploits. Not about some deeply-embedded memory from long ago. Because as special and intense my past quests may have been, they were, are and will be exclusively history.

One day, I will write something totally explosive.
And one day it will awe you,
And you will be oggling your eyes at my blog,
And you will be jealous too,

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