Tuesday, September 13, 2005

while waiting for daylight...

I've always wondered why most people consider invoking one's right as rude. I mean, can't I ask my noisy neighbors sometimes to just keep the noise to the confines of their home?

During the last coupla' of days, I found myself always complaining and pulling my hair outta' my wits at the mildest provocation. Hmm, could it be that time of the month already? Again!? Shit.

I had the grandest time hopping from one blog to another tonight . Mr. Jake Versoza, a friend from highschool, provided a lot of interesting links on his site. I felt like a peeping pandora reading all those blogs..sheesh. Kinda' makes me wonder how people feel when they read my logs here.


So anyway, I was inside my room yesterday, trying to finish off the last few chapters of my 5th book of the Wheel of Time series when I suddenly turned ON the radio that's been sitting at the foot of my bed for god-knows-how long. Station-hopped for a while. But I didn't recognize most of the songs. Does this mean I am finally getting old? Hah!


And then, for almost everyday now, I always find myself awake at a time when I should be in my deepest slumber. That's every 2 PM (and equivalent to your usual midnight, thank you very much). I couldn't understand why though. I make sure I am comfortable before I sleep and that absolutely no one in the world has means of disturbing me. On top of that, I know my body is craving for sleep..I am so tired these days.. I almost feel like a zombie during my waking hours. But time and again, in the middle of my slumber, I would find myself awake. Why god why...?


I haven't been writing for maybe a week. There's not much to tell, that's why. But see, I couldn't let a week pass without trying to remember what I have been, what I have done, and what I have become as a human being.


Duh! Yeah right. Talk about a flimsy excuse. Just wanted to pass the time while I wait for daylight. See, it is almost my day-off and I'm about to get off from work. I've been waiting for this all week long. But now I'm too lazy to even get up from my chair and start going home.




lefthand said...

Station-hopped for a while. But I didn't recognize most of the songs. Does this mean I am finally getting old? Hah!

--> No! That can't be the reason why. Because I feel exactly the same way yet I'm still in denial about getting old(er)! Hehe!

siyoktong said...

hey there lefthand!
thanks for dropping by. and oh, I checked your site too. I hope you dont mind if I add you to my links. pretty please?