Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lovely, Just Lovely

I don't know where this emotion is coming from. Lately, I have been feeling irritated with most people that I normally have a "good time" with. I suddenly just felt like I needed to do something else, perhaps someplace else...but really, I dont even care if I get there. Maybe its all pent-up feelings I tried to control before. I have a lways been a people-pleaser, remember? Five months ago, I quit doing that. No more amenable, easygoing, nice, Jing. Forget the old everyone's bestfriend, no-devil-can-hurt charmer that I have always been. I have grown tired of pleasing people. Maybe its time to please myself, eh? Fair enough, I suppose.

I am more at peace with my world these days. In fact, I have started hearing the midnight hums that I used to hear before (refer to old posts if you must wonder). These days, I can wake up in the middle of the night, and smile to myself for that wonderful feeling only a person in touch with his own being can feel. I can stay up the whole day alone without doing anything really, and still sleep like a baby by mid afternoon and well way into the night. I have begun oil painting, renewed my passion for books and films and writing. I have been spending more quality time with people who really matter, and yes, life's a blast. It has been so long since I've last felt this - and the best part of it is that I know I totally deserve this.

Lovely, just lovely.

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