Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Sister Con sent me a book of cliches. My thoughts on them:

  1. Fun is good.
    • How can it be not? If it ain't fun, why do it?
  2. To be or not to be.
    • That has always been the question. My answer? If it's fun to be, then be. Makes sense?
  3. Live and learn.
    • In that particular order. If you learn first then live later, what's the purpose?
  4. Live and let live.
    • Sure, why not?
  5. Life is life.
    • Is it suppose to be something else in the first place?
  1. Life is messy.
    • Learn to organize!
  2. Love comes around when doing the things you like.
    • Who cannot agree with this?
  3. Smile. It makes people wonder.
    • So he said, "What are you smiling about?" And I go, "You tell me. "
  4. It could be worse.
    • So true.
  5. It will be worse.
    • And the gods were laughing...!
  1. Feeling bad is just a new sensation.
    • Kinda like sex for the first time only this time, it's emotional.
  2. Tomorrow will be another day.
    • If you do the work I do, it ain't.
  3. I will survive.
    • Sing it to believe it.
  4. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
    • What if it's night?
  5. Midnight is where the day begins.
    • That's where it also almost ends.
  1. One day, I will wake up, and it will all fit together.
    • And I shall say, "Good morning sunshine!"
  2. The waiting is the hardest part.
    • You can sleep while doing it, ok?
  3. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
    • Or at least the more they want to stay the same.
  4. Wisdom is not truth.
    • It's the way you look at truth.
  5. The truth is just as meaningful as the lie.
    • Both can be very painful, so be careful in choosing what to say.
  1. When in doubt, consult your inner child.
    • What if he hasn't learned how to talk yet?
  2. If it doesn't come naturally, leave it.
    • There goes artificial insemination, tsk.
  3. Most people don't even know why they have to work.
    • So, pop question: Why do you?
  4. When the work is done, I will have time for myself.
    • After all, work pays you. It shouldn't be confused with personal time.
  5. Hurry when you have time, then you'll have time when you are in a hurry.
    • But never, ever forget to smell the friend.


Connie said...


siyoktong said...

huh? sister connie, istatchu? hehe! let's smell the flowers, kabs!