Friday, September 16, 2005

Feelin' Good!

I've been overwhelmed with a lot of good things lately. Simple things, yes. But good. And mind you, this time, I'm not complaining.

You were with me when I had this sudden, albeit slight stomach ache and you managed to over-ride all traffic rules we knew just to get me where I wanted to be. We weren't even halfway there yet and the pain went as sudden as it came. So you pulled over. And you asked, "Are you really okay now?"And I said, "Yep, I'm okay..we can go back to the Civil Service Office again.."And so you did a U-turn, relief crossing your face. Sorry. As you may have guessed already, it was a woman's pain. But hey, you were really cute when you panicked there.

And then Meng, my youngest sister, woke me up the other day. I was awake even before she called my name. But boy, she was so cautious about alarming/disturbing/startling me that she took these little teeny-weeny steps approaching my bed. I specifically asked her earlier to wake me because I was expecting some important papers from a courier and I had to sign for it. So basically, she needed not worry about my usual "just-woke-up-temper" anymore. But hey, she still didn't take a chance. She knows exactly how my day gets ruined when I wake up from the wrong side of the bed. (And did I also hear her say sorry for having had to wake me?) Nice. Real nice.

And then there was this old lady that I sat next to in the bus on my way home. I don't know if it's just me, but I find a sincere smile real comforting, and yes, even if that does come from a total, complete stranger. The lady looked out of place from the usually crowded bus because she looked so regal carrying her bouquet of white tulips. She started talking to me and I did find out that she was on her way to church when her car broke down, and had to leave her driver with it. And hello, did I mention too that it was raining cats and dogs during that time? I mean, an old lady decides to commute and leave the comforts of her own vehicle just to go to church? I mean, nice man. So nice.

And of course, before going home from the office this morning, Rico, my teammate in VOODOO decided to treat Mayu , Shelly and I to breakfast. No reason, he just wanted to. Ain't that nice, dude?

And then I got a call from my tita and mama this morning and basically they wanted to know what I wanted back home co'z they were sending a package from the province. I mean, here I am, all independent and shit like that in the Metro but I get a breakfast call from my folks and my mom's sister asking me what I wanted co'z they were sending some. Talk about being lucky me, huh?

Well, anyway, before I start running out of goodness and luck, I'd stop posting for a bit and enjoy the good vibes surrounding me. As I'm wrapping up on this log, imagine me sitting laid back, with my feet perched on the table, with the keyboard on my lap, licking my Milo-encrusted spoon while smelling the sweet, rainy morning breeze around me.
Awww. Life rocks!

1 comment:

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