Thursday, September 29, 2005

joe and i

Joe and I don't agree too well. We don't agree all the time, we're almost good at it. This happens every time...and last night it happened again.

I'm a beer person. I used to be the hard-liquor-type but I guess I kinda got scared when I almost died of it. Hard drinks used to make me go haywire that one time, I almost fell off a cliff in Tagaytay. I fell, actually. And now I am a survivor with a scar on my nose which luckily grew fainter with time.

So we were having a team building escapade a couple of nights ago in Sam's house. I was happy with my beer bottle. And I was enjoying a raucous night with my friends at work. But no, Joe just had to come. JOSE CUERVO Tequilla...Aaaah, hide me people, this Joe's gonna hurt me. I know it!

True enough, I had a raging headache just after a couple of shots. I never would understand why this should happen to me. I mean, I love tequilla, man. I find the whole process of swigging it up so sexy and fantabulously exotic. A little dab there, a flick of a tongue, a full motion of taking that shot in your mouth, and you finish it off sucking a lemon... Ain't that something?

But no, Mr. Joe won't let me have my jigger and drink from it too. I had to take naps during the night to ease off this bludgeoning, head-smacking, teeth-gritting headache.

And then it was morning, and we were getting ready to go. My head felt like wool was stuffed inside. Gawd, that was only 4 freakin' shots! I mean, couldn't these 4 shots be washed away by 5 bottles of beer already?

I went home and by noontime, I was sure I had brain cancer. The throbbing won't go away even if I kiss my sorry ass for it.

So see Joe , I hate you. You make me wanna puke. You hurt me. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. For all intents and purposes, I would not give a horseshit if you shove your bottle up your hairy ass. I'm quittin on tequilla, baby. I ain't putting up with this any longer.

Oh, by the way, I still had a lot of fun at the voodoo team chuva..
I may not have sang my throat to death (this is another story, by the way but telling you about it may just make the hang over worse, or I may strangle someone, demmet!), but I had a blast with my friends.
I missed Mayu, Chris and Borz though co'z they had to be somewhere else at that time, but hey, sa uulitin.. Devah?

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