Sunday, October 23, 2005

20 Random Things

I had a ticklish feeling at the back of my neck prior to clicking axion's blog. As a matter of fact, 'twas the last thing I opened for today's blog dose. Now, I know why. Tagged..again, ahehe.

20 Random Things About Jing

1. Nobody has ever heard me fart out loud. That doesn't mean I don't fart though, haha. Now, why did this random stuff have to start with farts?

2. I do pencil and charcoal sketches. In fact, I think I'm good at it. Most of my friends think I'm the songwriter amongst us. Nope, I am the sketcher. Or at least, I'd like to be.

3. I love Eraserheads. They remind me of my old, lovely youth.

4. I can only sleep well if I wear pyjamas and plain tops or nothing at all.

5. There's only 2 subjects in college to which I got 1.0's - Philosophy and Political Science -both not remotely associated to my major.

6. My first toy was a crocodile. Not the cuddly, soft, cute kinda' toy, but a big, lifesize green monster.

7. I feel naked when I go out of the house without my silver ring. Hankies, I can do without. Perfume, even. Hell, I can even go to work without a bra. But not this ring. No way.

8. My favorite food in the whole wide world is tocino. It has always been. Still is. When I die, please serve tocino to the people at my wake.

9. I have loved romantically only once in my life. Relationships, sure there were some. But I fell for real only once.

10. I think I have more secrets than the average person. I like to keep things to myself and I find childish happiness in knowing that I am keeping an idea, a thought, or anything for that matter all to myself.

11. I was a smoker a couple of years back. A smoker to the bone. I quitted for about 3 years. Then I started smoking again. But not so much now. True.

12. I don't like waiting. I'm not a very patient person. I'd rather be late than early. It's a different matter though if I was going to work. I get upset when I'm late for work.

13. I have a very special set of friends. These were friends met in college. Its a very exclusive group and it drives me nuts sometimes because I tend to compare every set of friends I meet to them. Bad of me, I know.

14. I have a bad temper. The people I am most comfortable with have seen me with one. If you've never seen me throw fits, then you're a relatively new cast in my life.

15. My right ear is definitely smaller than my left. I know it doesn't show. I've asked other people to check it for me too. They say they're relatively the same. Liars. I know my ears. alright?

16. My favorite number is 7. There's something sexy and elegant with the way I say se-ven. Duh, what a useless random thing.

17. Most people know me as Marinella Jennifer B. Trinidad. There's a story behind this. But its one of them secrets I so like to keep. Go figure though. If you must.

18. I can swim. I can ride a bike. I can drive any four-wheel vehicle. All these I learned while I was sleeping. Its not a metaphor, silly. I meant I actually dreamed how do to these things. Each time, I woke up and tried to do it in the real world. No hitches, I knew already. How cool is that, huh.

19. I have buyer's remorse syndrome. I save money enough to buy a gazillion things. Spend it in one crazy, shopaholic's day. And I spend the next day sulking because I spent my money.

20. I share so much similarities with my father. Philosophy, thoughts, views, mannerisms, temper, eyes, tastes, name it. So why the hell am I a mama's girl?

I'm tagging
  • tasha

  • nyss

  • eugene

  • shelly


    Abaniko said...

    Still, the sexiest number for me is SIX. ;)

    siyoktong said...

    abaniko: ...6? I pray why? Hey, you're back! Up and runnin on the bloggin world eh, my man? Good!

    Abaniko said...

    Why? Because I'm bisaya. Hek hek.

    siyoktong said...

    Abaniko: Hek hek? Baka Hik, hik? :p Now I understand why SIX.. hehe, I mean, Hi hi! Take care!